On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 10:08:04 +1300
Craig FALCONER wrote:

> I am having problems with the mysql backend - I get errors like "client
> cannot authenticate to database, upgrade your client"
> Everything is mysql 4.1.14, which is the latest. 

Not heard of that one before. Is that error on the remote frontend box
or the main box? About the only stuff not stored in the mysql database
is the small file that tells the frontend where to find the backend,
including the mysql username and password (by default mythtv:mythtv).
This is stored in a file that is in the home dorectory of the user who
is running the front end, so make sure that you are using the same user
each time on the front end. (or make sure each fron tend user has the
right info). Sorry i cannot recall exactly where this is stored off the
top of my head, its something like ~/.mythtv/

The mythtv-user mailing list is quite good, albeit high volume. They
have a good searchable archive, and someone even wrote a fireflox search
plugin for it recently. 


> I'm running debian
> unstable.  I also suspect the P3 won't have the balls to do the job.

I have a epia M9000 (900 MHZ) but then again my tv card does hardware
compression to mpeg2.

> Other solved issues involved getting the New Zealand EPG to work.  Both
> MrGeek and the OnTV listings work but you have to overwrite a
> tv_grab_someothercountry script in /usr/bin/

Ahh yes a real pain NZ epg's. MrGeek has a good one that covers sky
digital or the terrestial channels, but sometimes it just stops working
for days at a time. I actually patched mythtv source to include his NZ
epg script.

> The lifeview TV card itself was detected perfectly first time with no config
> required - I was astonished.  It also works fine with xawtv running locally.
> xawtv even works to a remote X display, albet quite slow and with no sound.

Yeah i have done that, over 802.11b it is a REAL dog. Amusing but not
really worth more than the geek value!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Rout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 18 October 2005 9:11 a.m.
> To: linux-users@it.canterbury.ac.nz
> Subject: Re: CLUG meeting topics
> On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 08:57:16 +1300
> Craig FALCONER wrote:
> > Mythtv is almost worth a NZ mailing list on its own!
> > 
> > I'm trying a (budget) lifeview card in a P3 866 backend, with another 
> > machine inside as a frontend.  Its...  complex.
> What is?
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: sirlancelot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, 18 October 2005 8:53 a.m.
> > To: linux-users@it.canterbury.ac.nz
> > Subject: Re: CLUG meeting topics
> > 
> > I for one would be keen on a repeat of the Myth TV and diskless
> > computers demo's, at the very least.
> -- 


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