Thanks Andrew,

I installed the gnome interface, I'll see how I get on with that extra info you 
supplied.  I did see a thread labelled 'kppp' or something but had deleted 
them, not realizing it was discussing dial-up, I shall look that up on web 
archive as well.

  Bryce Stenberg.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Errington [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 8/15/2006 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Connect to Internet - where's the dial-up button?
> Can someone please instruct me on how to dial-up. Thanks.

Oh, crap.

Sorry Bryce, there has been some to-ing and fro-ing on dialup with another 
CLUGger.  It ought to be simple, and often it is...

If you are using KDE then the thing you want is 'kppp'.  You will need to 
configure the ISP number, username, password and what port your modem is on.

If you are using Gnome then you want 'Gnome ppp', except I don't use Gnome, 
so I can't help you further.

These are just GUI 'wrappers' if you like, for interfacing you to pppd (the 
PPP daemon).  An alternative, that runs 'underneath' or from the command 
line, is wvdial.  After the install you might be automatically asked to 
configure it.  If not, run wvdialconf.  This will look for your modem and 
ask you all about your ISP settings.  Then it will (mostly) do the right 

I hope this is enough to get you going.  Googling for kppp or wvdial should 
get you further (once you get your modem connected to the net, of 



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