On Tue 20 Jan 2009 16:51:03 NZDT +1300, Nick Rout wrote:

> Might try fedora again soon, or maybe arch for some real fun! Debian maybe?

Funny you say that. I installed Fedora 10 just yesterday. The disk
partitioner is most obnoxious - you are allowed to say how many and what
size partitions you want, you get to shut up about the order they're in,
or whether they're primary or extended. I didn't see a function to make
do with an already partitioned disk, so you might not even be able to
run fdisk first. Fedora Crap 10. Other than that, the install went go
and run. Apalling though that the desktop does not offer any function to
install more software, or for that matter do any system administration.
Of course one can always go commando, I mean command line, but that's
not competitive on the desktop these days. In short, it's lagging behind
SUSE about as far as it did 10 years ago. I'd say don't waste your time.

Mandrake used to be pretty good in the user-friendlyness department,
dunno about Mandriva. I don't believe for a millisecond the hype about

Debian is not a desktop distro. While perhaps perfectly suited for being
admin'ed from the sad end of a 38kbaud, if that is the only option, I
have better things to do (and won't embarrass myself by suggesting
something like this to my M$ workmates, but that's a different story).

Hopefully this list hasn't exhausted the options yet? I like Rob's Mepis


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