On Tue 15 Jun 2010 07:09:44 NZST +1200, chris wrote:

> If you are using the internal winmodem with that driver, it is
> normally /dev/modem

No, that depends on the driver of the particular losemodem you are
using. /dev/SL is probably a dumblink (in the docs mentioned as

Losemodems are almost always a waste of time, especially these days,
when barely anyone uses them any more and the binary-only drivers are no
longer supported by the modem chip makers and are unmaintainable by open
source kernel programmers.

If you can't replace your losemodem with a real modem, ensure you work
out what the problem is in two separate steps, in this order.

1. Establish that you get a carrier. Use a terminal program of your
choice (minicom, cu (part of uucp, you can't run this as root),
whatever) and issue the correct AT commands with your keyboard. Vary the
modem init string as necesssary, then dial the ISP number and see if the
modem reports CONNECT <some number>. If not, your modem isn't working.

As "modem" means "piece of lousy hardware combined with piece of lousy
driver" (and the two are inseparable), draw your own conclusions and get
a real modem.

In my experience it is also almost always necessary to reduce the
"reporting level" from X4 to something like X2, or the modem doesn't
recognise the dial tone and doesn't proceed.

Fix all this up first, *then*

2. Check your login to your ISP is working. Do this with a terminal
program and follow the ISP prompts. That will also confirm you are
entering your user name and password as your ISP wants it.

When that is working, plonk all the (now verified correct) strings into
wvdial, and test id that makes a connection too.

kinternet and smpppd are superb for this.

And did I mention that with a losemodem, don't be surprised if you don't
get past 1.?



Volker Kuhlmann
http://volker.dnsalias.net/     Please do not CC list postings to me.

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