Ken Moffat wrote:
> Seems a little sparse to me, but I've been using libranet and elx,
> which have even the kitchen sink included. Libranet is loaded with
> window managers. Kde only in 3.1.1? No mozilla/galeon (a must have for
> me) and Netscape 4.77 (I guess that's stable but I prefer v6). Elx is
> very up to date. I guess it's beta but it works ok for a home desktop,
> although it install about 3 megs on the full install, whereas caldera
> is down about 2, I think.

I believe there are other window managers  on the supplemental CD.  I
read that the commercial package has several supplemental CD's.  I have
Caldera 3.1 and the supplemental CD for it installed Gnome, IceWM and
all manner of stuff.  

I am watching the reports on Caldera 3.1.1   I have the beta installed. 
I have noticed that the KDE 2.2.1 on the beta is a bit unstable - after
working fine for a while, the part on the task manager where minimized
apps go no longer indicates what is down there.  A similar problem
occured with Caldera 3.1 after I installed the Caldera KDE 2.2.1
package.  At the moment, I am putting aside some "mad money" in
anticipation of buying 3.1.1.  I have an number of Linuces on my boxes,
but the ones I use (Caldera 2.4, Libranet) are the ones I pay for.  I
don't have money to splurge on Linux distro's (retired and partly
disabled after 20 years in the US Army) but I am willing to pay good
money for good products, to help keep the company alive.

I have been working too with Libranet 2.0 There is a how-to for
installing WP8/WP8.1 I wrote now on the Libranet KB.  It is going to be
revised.  If you are going to install WP8.1 without additional libs, run
ldconfig after installing the Debs, not before as it says.  Printer set
up with CUPS is a bit tricky - I'm fine tuning that part of the how-to

Leon A. Goldstein

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