On March 18, 2002 11:51 am, David A. Bandel wrote:

> triggers, and a few other things.  MySQL offers raw speed.  In general,
> you'll be better off with PostgreSQL unless your web site is taking hits
> like Slashdot.

I thought that PostgreSQL was supposed to scale better under load.

> OpenSSH has scp, secure copy.  It's throughput is on par with FTP, but I
> don't know if you can use it with Windoze (if that's a problem).

Cygnus has ssh available. 

Also one program they shipped on a cd to all students at the university I 
attend is an ssh client by the name of Tera Term Pro (the ssh bit is an 
extension that must be added to the program).  I don't know if it supports 
file transfer though.  

I've also got a java ssh client sitting on my web server at the moment, so 
I'm not stuck installing clients left right and center.  I think it allows 
for file transfer if setup properly, and you allow it access to the 
filesystem at runtime.  I've never tried transferring files from a windows 
box that way though.

David Aikema
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