->Tyler Regas wrote:
->> Well folks, I've gone and done it now :) I've stopped using Outlook for
->> mail and am back to using Becky! 2. Fantastic standards compliant
->> Windows mail client (www.rimarts.co.jp). Worth every penny.

*** I am still trying to understand why Tyler decided to announce the
above to the list?

"I done it: I stopped using Windows for braking my PC and am back to using
Linux. Fantastic standards compliant OS. Worth all the trouble" would have
been more of a newsworthy announcement than just I went from one crummy
mail client to another.

I had a look at Becky!2 and I do not see why it should be such a hot mail
client: Proprietary mailboxes, proprietary mail filters, and not nice
looking, non windows standard, icons.

When I talk standards then I do not want to spent the rest of my life
importing mailboxes from one into another mail client version, having to
redo completely the filtering statements because none of the Windows
developing crowd thinks it is a good idea to have a standard for
filtering mail.

I only can imagine what torture I would have to go through to get 600Mb
worth of mail from let us say Eudora to Becky! Of course this is impossible
as Eudora already chokes on a mailbox of more than 10Mb and more than 4
users accounts to check at each POP poll...

Back to Pine...

If you find me, please return me to my $HOME: my address is 'cd'.

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