Scribbling feverishly on April 03, Rick Sivernell managed to emit:
> On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 22:47:57 -0500
> Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Scribbling feverishly on April 04, Federico Voges managed to emit:
> > > The whole src directory is ~340MB (excluding the old-i18n dir in it).
> > > Ideal for dial-up users ;)
> > Good grief. I just just downloaded the source code for XFC 3.8.14,
> > which weighs in at a paltry 4.2 MB.
>    Are you the one clogging yup the Bandwidth with such blooted code. 
> <grin from ear to ear>.

Jawohl. That would be me.

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