Scribbling feverishly on April 12, Net Llama! managed to emit:
> Kurt Wall wrote:
> > That said, allow me to recommend a book, "Linux Filesystems," written
> > by William von Hagen. It was written with a 2.4.9 kernel in mind, but the
> > issues should be the same. He covers all of the major and some of the
> > minor filesystems available for Linux. He also covers distributed
> > filesystems (OpenAFS and NFS come to mind), Netware, Samba, Netatalk
> > logical volume management, how to perform benchmarking for your
> > environment, and so on. Great book -- I've just started reading my 
> > (personally autographed) copy, but I can already see that it will be 
> > a keeper.
> Kurt, mind if i ask how you snagged an autographed copy?

I don't mind at all. I asked him for one. He sits right across 
from me at work. 

Be cautious in your daily affairs.
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