At 01:47 PM 5/22/02 -0700, Bill Campbell wrote:
>The release order of the 2+ versions we've used as I remember it was:
>OpenLinux 2.2   # we skipped this one -- rushed to make the first LinuxWorld
>OpenLinux 2.3
>eServer 2.3     # last to use LILO
>eDesktop 2.4    # first to use GRUB

...also when they replaced KPPP with KsaferPPP, as I recall?  And it was 
between 2.x and 3.x they brought out LTP.  With that, I wonder if the 
"perfect" distro people are remembering isn't kind of a combination of 2.3, 
2.4 and LTP, as some started losing patience with Caldera at 2.4, while 
others held on till the 3.1 controversy.

>OpenLinux 3.1 Workstation and Server
>OpenLinux 3.1.1 Workstation and Server
>freebsd 4.5 (whoops not Caldera, but perhaps where I'm headed as
>             it installs easily without graphics, and does all the
>             server things I need :-).

Stuart Biggerstaff

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