On Fri, 31 May 2002, Michael Hipp wrote:
> Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My understanding is that with a threaded app, you're seeing the
> > multiple threads off of the same parent process.  This can best be
> > illustrated using 'pstree'.  Its not a lie at all, just an
> > interpretation.
> Pstree tells me they're threaded. But what does it mean? Is/isn't Moz
> using gobs of memory (55+%)?

No.  Look at top, and you'll see 1 mozilla process always floating higher
up than the rest.  On my box, mozilla is using 12.3% of the memory

> > Looks like Opera does quite well.  However, you can't ignore the fact
> > that you need to run about 10 other KDE related processes (which are
> > not specifically part of the Konqie proc) in order to fire up Konqie
> > in the first place.  Add up all of their resource utilizations, and it
> > will most likely outdue Mozilla by far.
> True, but if you're running KDE anyway, it's a sunk cost. So Konq
> becomes very efficient in that sense. But, like Koffice, it's just not a
> real contender.

But i dont' run KDE anyway.  Hell, i don't even have KDE installed on most
of my boxes.

> > I've been exceptionally pleased with Mozilla, and i honestly don't use
> > any other browser for anything.
> That's what I'm trying to do also, and Moz seems like the *logical*
> choice. But this reasource issue shouldn't be ignored.
> > If you (or anyone else) suspects that the version of Mozilla that
> > you're running actually has a memory leak, you can easily test it.
> > Mozilla comes(the pre-compiled binaries, at least) with a built in
> > memory leak detector:
> > On the top menu, Debug -> Leak Detector
> I tried that a couple of different ways and got nothing. Neither on the
> cli or in the logs. Where does the output go?

I dunno *shrug*.  I never felt the need to try it.  OK, according to the
notes on mozilla.org here:

you have to set an env variable, and run mozilla with the -editor switch.

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo                  http://netllama.ipfox.com

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