On Monday 24 June 2002 09:18 am, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> I must admit that back in the 16th century the Catholic church was pretty
> opportunistic with it's power...  This turned the Dark Ages darker.  It
> certainly didn't give God a good name, especially in recent years...
> almost like in the 70's, Amway distributors went door-to-door in the US
> and were really not good representatives of Amway, which gave Amway a bad
> name.

Yes. And it's an apt comparision. Little of what makes news under the banner 
of Christianity can be justified under the Scripture. Just like those 
distributors broke the Business Rules & Code of Conduct. (IIRC).

I could introduce you to scores of people who lead lives that would be the 
envy of 99.999% of the world and they credit it all to Jesus Christ. And I 
know several who make a good living marketing Amway's excellent (if a bit 
expensive :-) products.

Lots of people will never give Linux a look because it's seeming connection 
to the juvenile delinquents such as over at slashdot. It's the same thing.

But don't try to explain any of that to someone who has decided Religion is 
just bad and that Amway is a scam/cult/pyramid.


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