Leon A. Goldstein wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
>>On Morning Edition on NPR this morning they had a special on Walmart 
>>selling lindows computers. Not a bad audio clip. If you'd like to hear 
>>it check www.npr.org, then under programs choose Morning Edition, Latest 
>>program, and scroll down to the Lindows link. (You Need realplay8.)
> Did the NPR report mention that Lindows is a rather light installation,
> and that you have to subscribe (to the tune of $100 or so) to download
> productivity apps?

yes, it did.

> I don't think Lindows will make friends for Linux with its current
> marketing model.

its marketing model isn't intended to make friends with linux.  its 
meant for the walmart crowd, who in most cases struggle to find the 
POWER button.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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