I have gotten dhcpcd to get me configured with Comcast.
This command is all that it takes to get the IP and configure the interface:
dhcpcd -d eth1
Then, running the route command makes things work fine. 

I got a seven day lease which by now should be trying to renew itself, but,
I can't see that it is trying to do this.

Meanwhile, I see this in my firewall logs.

eth1 PROTO=17 
( I accept these packets.)

This says that a dhcp server is broadcasting to dhcp clients, which,
is not part of rfc 2131.  dhcpcd is running, but doesn't seem to
answer. Which is not surprising, since there is no process listening on
port 68 on my client.

So, my two questions are:
What is comcast (I assume it comcast) doing sending broadcast packets to
dhcp clients? Is it safe to ignore them? Last time, they declared me a
static ip user and turned off my modem.

Second, is there a way to inquire of the status of a running dhcpcd? That is
to say, how could I find out if the dhcpcd is trying to renew? I don't see
anything in the logs about it.



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