begin  Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(Tue, 31 Dec 2002 11:31:53 -0500 (EST))

> On Tue, 31 Dec 2002, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> > No offense, but that sounds more like you don't understand why people
> > would use something other than RedHat...  :)
> How so?

Just that when comparing the different distros I use, it's not the WM
which makes much difference (although when comparing the different desktop
distros, some do one particular WM/DE better than others), but the amount
of precompiled software which comes along with it is generally a good
indicator of what makes a good desktop.  I know that you have used RH for
a long time and have made it your primary distro, and it just sounded like
you hadn't ventured far to see what other options were there.  I will say
this much, the KDE team has covered RH's Printer Admin difficulties with
their built-in Printer config tools.
> MPlayer is one of my favorite apps.  If you build it from source, you
> can get some amazing performance improvements, not to mention a very
> high degree of customization.
hmm,.. I'll have to try that.  Are these improvements in an SxS?  I've
been thinking of building XINE for SuSE, since I didn't see it listed in
the installer.
> Glad that you like KDE.  I finalized that divorce back when 2.0 came
> out, and our differences are unreconcilable.  I've been happily wed to
> XFCE ever since.  XFCE4 is really really nice, and is what KDE2/3 should
> have been.  Beauty without the beast.

XFCE is in SuSE's install and I checked it just to see what you keep
talking about here.  I'll have to see what it's like.  I know that even
though I love some of KDE's perks, it does like to eat memory up for
seemingly inoccuous things.  Alt-F2 is just too easy a thing to give up,
though!  And I love Klipper's pop-up web and email options...

Matthew Carpenter
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                

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