On 02/22/03 15:14, Javier Hernandez wrote:
Hi Neti and all other on the list,

More info about error messages.

This time I boot from the HD trying to boot the Suse 8.0 on
the HD.

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003, Net Llama! wrote:
On 02/21/03 23:37, Javier Hernandez wrote:
> I got information from the seller and he said I should upgrade the
> BIOS. I do so but I get the same bad results with the 2000 Mhz:
> not beep initial, blank screen, ...
> Maybe is the motherboard the one have problems ?
without knowing the error, its damn near impossible to speculate.

It asked me to run fsck manually and I did so. After a while I got a complete hang up with the following messages:

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 4636c3b8

printing eip:
*pde= 00000000
Oops: 0000
CPU: 0
EIP: 00100:[<c01cabc8>] Not teinted
EFLAGS: 00010202
eax: c1000000  ebx: 4636c380  ecx: 06367000 edx: 00001000
esi: c157e090  edi: c157e090  ebp: 8157e000 esp: c02c3e4c

Process swapper  (pid: 0, stackpage=c02c3000)
Stack: c1582000 00000000 ....
       ....                ...     0018df24
Call Trace: [<c01cae97>] [<c01c01eb>] .......
       [<....>] .....
       [<....>] .....

Code: 8b 53 38 29 c2 89 d0 8b 53 34 c1 f8 06 c1 e0 0c 81 e2 ff 0f
 <0> Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler !
 In interrupt handler - not syncing.

Anyone is able to get any valuable information from that messages ?

yea, that's a kernel oops. those are bad, cause either you have an unstable kernel, or a severe hardware problem. you can run it through ksymoops to get a more human readable explanation.

I got errors on some memory addresses with memtest:

Failing Address:  078dc694 - 120.8MB
                  070dc694 - 112.8MB
                  068dc694 - 104.8MB

i'd say you've got some bad memory. swap it out, and see if your problems go away.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:                    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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