A couple of things kept messing up my efforts to install php-nuke. It
seemed that the perms on /var/lib/mysql before starting is owned by
mysql and group mysql. once issueing "mysql_install_db" The ownership
ont this dir changes to root:root thus mysql cant access it and creating
or attempting to create passwords fail. Next while using nukesql.php to
setup the "nuke" dbase, for some reason does not read config.php
correctly and returns that it can not access dbname "" to set this in
config.php and try again. But the dbase "nuke" is created by nukesql but
this doesn't seem to go beyond that. it does seem to connect to mysql
server. If I then try to point the browser to /path_to_htdocs/index.php
or admin.php I get a blank page. On Gentoo I've gotten it to go to the
"home" page but changes I make under preference does not show up, I
think a dbase problem. It would sure be nice to know what the perms for
mysql and php-nuke dir should be. This is sure starting to baffle me..

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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