On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 03:33, Bill Day wrote:
> Ted I too am having either a perms problem of some sort or something..
> Got any suggestion for logs to look at?   Normal ones such as mesages,
> httpd/access_log and error_log dont seem to have anything in them...
> I have a php.info page which shows up in a graphical context (colored
> borders etc) but upon accessing the htl section of php, I get blanks...  no
> errors in error_log either, page loads with htm headers and thats it.
> Bill Day
 Since php-nuke stores all of its fields in mysql dbase "nuke" I would
venture a guess that this is a mysql access problem. Have you tryed
running "nukesql.php"? I'm just curious as to what error messages you
get in doing so. I'm going to install postgreql later on today and see
if things are any different. I've never had to chase so much information
on the net just to install a package. What gets me is that on a fresh
install of mysql the ownership of /var/lib/mysql is correct or at least
as indicated in the mysql docs. Once you run "mysql_install_db" the
ownership changes to root:root and mysql can't read its own files untill
you change the ownership to what it was. I've created and tested dbase
"nuke" and that seems to look ok yet when I run "nukesql.php" I keep
getting the unable to find dbname "" please edit config.php and try
again. Yet in config.php I have dbname = "nuke" but for some reason its
not read or seen. I'll be checking my "mysql's <host>.err in
/var/lib/mysql later on today and see if it can provide me with some
sort of an insight, At the moment, Im at a lose.
Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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