Quoth David A. Bandel:
> Anyone seen this in Cringley´s column?
> http://www.infoworld.com/article/03/06/16/24OPcringely_1.html
> Don't think I'd want to take on both IBM and AT&T at the same time in
> different courtrooms, not even if I were M$.  And SCO's not even close
> to that big.

Eew. Speaking of which, IBM reiterated their position today that their
UNIX license is, irrevocable and fully paid up. The "fully paid up"
piece caught my attention and I wondered: considering SCO's moral 
outrage at IBM's misappropriation of SCO's IP, when would SCO start
returning IBM's licensing and royalty checks? I'm guessing Not Real
Soon Now. ;-)

Good advice is something a man gives when he is too old to set a bad
                -- La Rouchefoucauld
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