On 07/10/03 16:35, Tom Lombardo wrote:
Also, the "route" command does not work in my Linux terminal window, so I can't check to see what the laptop sees. When I type "route man" in the terminal I get the manual page for "route", but when I try to run the "route" command I get a "bash: route: command not found" error. This has happened to me before, where a command will show up in the manual but it won't run when I try to use it. That seems weird to me.

That's most likely because its not in your $PATH. try /sbin/route

If you have any suggestions as to how I can get my laptop to write files on the desktop and use the printer, I would be very grateful.

You most likely need to get samba running for this stuff.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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