You are forgetting the ease of use question.

Do you think think the average govt employee would be able to handle a
unix/linux box?  Guess who makes up a large percentage of govt workers
in DC?

For example, do you think that guy you quote on your signature would be
able to configure and use a linux box?
     "The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has
     wasted 30 years of his life."
This man is brain damaged, and boxing may have made it worse.

Besides, I suspect most of the users will be clerks and typists, entering
data, or administrator types, playing bureaucratic games. I doubt these
computers will be used to model terrorist activity, attack terrorist
computer sites, or crack codes.  

My biggest hope is that Homeland Security (Wonder why they didn't call
in Internal Security?) will frighten off the terrorists.  After all,
they can't be too smart either, since we sitting ducks are still alive.


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