Not exactly, at least thats not how I see it. If enough users of an ISP or
email suppliers complain they are blocked by one, big deal, blocked by dozens,
then it begins to matter and the ISP's must take notice. We as an admin
community have done nothing to stop the spam problem. Oh, some filteer, most
have a TOS that they stick to but thats it. Hell, when it gets bad enough that
congress looks into it you know that congress will shit on you with their
solution. If it a drastic enough problem then we should deal with it ourselves.
I know that blocking innocent users is not with the spirit of the Internet but
any solution congress comes up with will be worse and we can remove blocks
easily with a few edits. No so with whatever solution congress comes up with,
you wont just edit that away.

On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 13:33:22 -0400 (EDT) - Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote the following
Re: Re: spam issues

>On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, ronnie gauthier wrote:
>> I've had it with spam, RBL's bite. So what to do?
>> I have taken drastic measures. I wish others would follow suit. We could kill
>> spam in short order. How? I have got fed up with yahoo a while back and
>blocked> them. A while back I had a rash of spam from and mail them
>and> complained heavily, it stopped. Until this week. Now comcast is blocked.
>> When I say blocked I dont mean filtered I mean blocked from all my domains
>and> clients mail servers. FSCK to domains with a lax attitude about spam, let
>them> eat bounces.
>what is that solving?  spam preys on the weakest link & lowest common
>denominator.  blocking off entire netblocks is just cutting off your nose
>to spite your face.
>Lonni J Friedman                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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