In the September issue of WIRED, Darl McBride in the HOT SEAT says...

WIRED: Give me the summary brief.

McBride: "The world is moving to a Unix operating environment, and SCO owns 
the IP rights to it, When you snap off a branch from the Unix tree and try to 
graft it onto the Linux tree, that's out-of-bounds. It's time to step up and 
claim the ownership rights that are rightly ours."

Holyshit. I know they make claim to "their unix code in linux" but what is the 
REAL attitude towards Linux. Is Linux seen as a competitor to Unix (SCO) and 
as such they want it also? I tell ya' Darl could have chosen better words 
than what he did. 

P.S. Although I share the same last name as Darl, he's no cousin of mine...

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