I was afraid of this answer. This is a hugely bloated web site. I am shutting down my 
last Windows IIS machine and everything will be hosted on apache. 

This last site is not designed by me; I personally stay as far away from Front Page as 

Thanks for your response.

My problem


Wil McGilvery
Lynch Digital Media Inc


416-716-3964 (cell)
416-744-0406  FAX

-----Original Message-----
From: burns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2003 1:56 PM

On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 10:57, Wil McGilvery wrote:
> I have a web site from a customer that has asked me to convert his Front
> Page site to be workable on apache.
> To do this and have the web site still work with front page all the
> spaces in file names/links need to be removed and uppercase/lowercase
> issues resolved.
> Is there any easy way to do this?

Use an office document editor, such as Open Office Writer or (shudder)
MS Word. Use the global search/replace and change case features to edit
the code. When you are all done, cut and paste it into a non-binary(?)
editor such as VIM or Notebook and finalize all you html edits - or open
the edited version in a proper HTML editor.

IMHO, certain WYSWIG editors such as Front Page or MS Publisher produce
huge bloated and non-standard html pages. It's very labor-intensive to
try and clean up afterward. I would avoid them like the plague if at all

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