On Wednesday 12 November 2003 12:22 pm, Terence McCarthy wrote:
>  On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 08:02:05 -0800 Tony Alfrey 
> > I consulted for a place once that, when I told IS I wanted to run
> > linux
> >
>  > on the in-house computer they gave me to use, basically threated
>  > to fire me.  I literally had to hide the linux partition on the
>  > box.  I'm not there anymore, and I'm sure the partition is still
>  > there.  They probably can't figure out why the hard disk only
>  > appears to be half as big as it is supposed to be.
>  Been there, done that, had (like you) the last laugh!

Yeah, except they went broke and still owe me some money.
That hidden linux partition led to their downfall, no doubt!  <g>

Tony Alfrey
"I'd rather be sailing"

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