
Not being an expert with filters, I ask the assembled experts.
This is a kmail (which I use as a mail client) specific question.
I wish to set up a POP filter so that MS executables and scripts in 
attachments are not downloaded from my mail server (earthlink) .  So I 
just set up a POP filter in the handy dandy POP filter rules window box 
with a "Filter Criteria" of

<message> contains .exe  
<message> contains .scr

because <message> is what the kmail help page suggested for filtering 
the entire contents.  But no joy.  I'm not worried about them running, 
I just don't like them clogging up my mail.  Any helpful hints??  Am I 
interpreting the concept of "mail server" correctly (that is, the "mail 
server" is my earthlink isp that "stores" my email).

Tony Alfrey
"I'd rather be sailing"

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