On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 10:50:13PM -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:
> Does anyone know how to make RealPlayer8 start with a preset volume? My
> version always starts with the volume control set to zero. This is a pain
> because I use a script to play multiple files sequentially while the
> computer is unattended, and the script starts, stops, and restarts
> realplayer for each file, with the sound reverting to zero with each
> restart.
> I looked in the help section and also ran strings against the realplayer binary,
> and its libraries but didn't see any evidence for command line options. There are 
> configuration files in my home directory. This file:
> .RealNetworks_RealMediaSDK_60 
> is updated when RealPlayer8 closes and contains a Volume statement, which is
> changed to the volume setting of RealPlayer8 upon exiting. But, even if this is set
> to 100 by realplayer on exit, on restart the volume of realplayer is still
> zero.
> Any insight appreciated.
> Joel

Well, problem finally solved. The culprit, as usual, is the TakeConsole
script, which removes user privileges from /dev/mixer.
I tried everyting I could think of, and finally wrote a bug report to
Realplayer. THEY ANSWERED!
They said to look at /dev/mixer. That was it.
Now, IS THERE ANY REASON TO NOT DISABLE TakeConsole for a home network?

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