Just an  update.
Still getting 5 to 30 hits per hour from the XXX variant of the worm. That
hasn't changed in days.
I did complain to the abuse people at @HOME about a week ago about some boxes on the 
network which were really hitting my machine hard.
Their response is reproduced in part below:
The @Home Network is currently working on proactive measures to respond
to this situation.  You should see this activity cease from @Home
subscribers in the near future.  Thank you for your report.

The @Home Network Policy Management Team    
Let's grep and see. I got 196 hits today (23 hours) from the XXX variant
and 61 were unique ip's today (Didn't look back at previous logs, so there are
certainly repeats in here). I was able to lookup 57 of these with nslookup.
26 were from @HOME ( eg. twsn1.md.home ). 6 were rr (?road runner) and 7
were shaw cable.
Only two of 61 ip's today did NOT begin with 24. My @HOME ip is
24.182.xx.xx. (left off some of the ip for my paranoia.)
So, I think that @HOME is doing a fine job, but, I am not sure what job they
are doing.
The only difference I see is that most of these ip's only sent me one hit,
although about 12 sent multiple hits (up to 25).

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