On Wednesday 05 September 2001 10:56 am, Jim Conner wrote:
> Here's another great article by dep.
> http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/opinions/3751/1/
> I've helped 2 of my friends install Caldera eD2.4.  One is using it on a
> sporadic basis, just testing the waters, not doing anything critical yet.
> He's hooked on Shisen-Sho though.  And the other claims he doesn't have the
> time to learn it.  Another of my friends wants to try a dual-boot on his
> machine when he has to format/re-install windows next time.  Most of the
> people that I know know that I run a Linux distro.  I've had them ask
> plenty of questions about it.  I've tried to answer them to the best of my
> ability. I've only been running eD2.4 since April 2000 and I've seen Linux
> grow by leaps and bounds.  I tell most people that if Linux doesn't do what
> you want now, wait 6 months and it probably will(unless you are a
> programmer and want to code it yourself).
> Jim

Any chance of making a list of those questions?   I'm making a totally newbie 
FAQ of the simple questions people usually want answered.  End user stuff.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         09/05/01 11:13  +
"Real women don't have hot flashes, they have power surges."
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