If you are referring to questions once a new user looks at a Linux distro for 
the first time(or tenth time), please see my post in the FAQ thread.  If you 
are wanting questions about people that are curious about linux, then here 
are some with some of my answers.

Can Linux run program XYZ?
        This is where I lead the discussion to the programs functionality rather 
than the program's name.  I tell them about program ABC in linux that can do 
the same thing in much the same way, unless the program has been ported over 
to linux.

Can I keep Windows?  Will it interfere or otherwise mess up my Windows 
        Most people that want to test the waters when it comes to linux, still want 
to have a working and fully functional copy of Windows.  You just need to 
explain dual-booting and partitioning in very simplistic terms.  Only 
recommend Win4Lin or VMWare if you are positive that all their windows 
software will work in that environment.

Will my (insert hardware here) work with linux as well as it does in Windows?
        Unless you know for sure, do some research and find out.  Before they 
install any linux distro, make sure that their sound card, video card, modem 
and printer are compatible.  Nothing is more frustrating to a new user to be 
told after the install that they can't get out on to the internet or hear any 
sounds unless they buy a new modem and sound card.  Tell them first that 
their winmodem and integrated sound isn't supported and they need to upgrade 
to be able to fully use linux.

Is linux really more secure than Windows?
        I tell them that any OS is only as secure as the person Admining it.  You 
can install any Linux distro, turn on every daemon and service, not run a 
firewall, and not update any security patches and you will be rooted in a 
short time.  If you don't run any service or daemon, keep up on security 
patches, and run a tight firewall, the chance of being rooted are slim.  I'm 
reminded of the article that dep wrote saying that connecting any OS to the 
internet comes with a certian responsibility to make sure that it's secure.

I'm sure that there are other questions, if I think of more, I'll e-mail them 
to you.


On Wednesday September 05, 2001 10:14 am, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> Any chance of making a list of those questions?   I'm making a totally
> newbie FAQ of the simple questions people usually want answered.  End user
> stuff.

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