I've proposed something like this to a couple of KDE mailing lists.  While it 
got warm kudos for the idea, getting it implemented was a problem.  I 
proposed that it become a section in the KHelpcenter.  Titled: How do I?  
This would have the 27 questions and others with instructions in plain 
english(or other languages) and pretty screen shots as to how a very new user 
can accomplish a given task.  I think this would be a great addition to KDE.  
Unfortunately my knowledge of how to implement this is lacking in the 
necessary skills.  Here are some other questions that I've thought of and 
have had posed to me by new users.

How do I change my background?
How do I change my screensaver?
How do I add/remove/move icons on the bottom panel(Kicker)?
How do I find a file?
How do I import/install a new theme?

Hope this helps.  I hope it can at least be a new addition to the SxS.  Some 
of this stuff will be KDE/Gnome/Other specific.  Therefore I think that there 
should be primary sections in there for each Desktop/WM.  IMHO, the 
organization should be as such:

SxS Index
        How Do I? (and other FAQs)
                KDE 1.x
                        How do I? #1
                        How do I? #2
                KDE 2.x
                        same as above
                Gnome(different ones if needed for each wm used)
These will be primarily used for KDE 2.x and Gnome since they are the primary 
desktops used by new users.  As you can see these questions will not contain 
anything that is currently in the SxS.  These questions will be targeted for 
a very new user of any Linux distro.

Granted instead of a SxS, I would like to see it integrated into the 
KHelpcenter where it would do the most good.  If anyone wants to take my idea 
and start coding the project, feel free.  I'm sure that the same could be 
done for Gnome and others.


On Wednesday September 05, 2001  7:49 am, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> Well, submit them anyway....   I made up a list of 26 questions last night
> and probably half of them do not deal with any WM....
> 1) How do I get a file off a floppy disk?  (must talk about unmounting as
> well)
> 2) How do I save a file to a floppy?  (It's not the A: drive anymore)
> 3) What do I do if my machine seems to be stuck?
> 4) How to I shut off my machine?  (from the logoff point)
> 5) How do I send email?  (assumes Kmail is all set to go)
> 6) How do I adjust the sound volume  (somewhat distro dependant)
> 7) How do I use a CD?
> 8) How to I write a letter?  (very basic StarOffice or Koffice)
> 9) How do I print a file?
> 10) What is a virtual desktop?
> 11)  What is a virtual console?   A 'window' console?
> 12)  How do I start up my machine?
> 13)  How do I connect to the Internet?  (many ways)
> 14)  How do I enter a console command?
> 15)  What is 'root'  and how do I get there?
> 16) What is an IP address and how do I find mine?
> 17) How do I find out if a program is running?  
> 18) How do I kill a program?
> 19) How do I tell how full my HD is?
> 20)  Where are the games?
> 21)  How do I move a window to another virtual desktop?
> 22) How do I close a window?    
> 23) How do I add an icon to my desktop?  The task tray?
> 24)  How do I switch between virtual desktops?
> 25) What are shortcuts for moving between windows?
> 26) What browsers are available?
> 27) How do I customize my desktop?
> Some of the above sound like I'm going more technical than I said I was
> going to go  but the information (like root commands and IP address) may be
> necessary for someone else to provide help and maintenance.  At least
> that's the case for me where I am  480 miles from the person I am trying to
> assist.
> Therefore, any questions that provide methods for users to glean
> information for someone else would be ok.  (such as use of top to find a
> runaway program)

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