On Wednesday 05 September 2001 11:22 am, Jim Conner wrote:
> I've proposed something like this to a couple of KDE mailing lists.  While
> it got warm kudos for the idea, getting it implemented was a problem.  I
> proposed that it become a section in the KHelpcenter.  Titled: How do I?
> This would have the 27 questions and others with instructions in plain
> english(or other languages) and pretty screen shots as to how a very new
> user can accomplish a given task.  I think this would be a great addition
> to KDE. Unfortunately my knowledge of how to implement this is lacking in
> the necessary skills.  Here are some other questions that I've thought of
> and have had posed to me by new users.
> How do I change my background?
> How do I change my screensaver?
> How do I add/remove/move icons on the bottom panel(Kicker)?
> How do I find a file?
> How do I import/install a new theme?
> Hope this helps.  I hope it can at least be a new addition to the SxS. 
> Some of this stuff will be KDE/Gnome/Other specific.  Therefore I think
> that there should be primary sections in there for each Desktop/WM.  IMHO,
> the organization should be as such:
> SxS Index
>       How Do I? (and other FAQs)
>               KDE 1.x
>                       How do I? #1
>                       How do I? #2
>                       etc.
>               KDE 2.x
>                       same as above
>               Gnome(different ones if needed for each wm used)
>               XFCE
>               Enlightenment
> These will be primarily used for KDE 2.x and Gnome since they are the
> primary desktops used by new users.  As you can see these questions will
> not contain anything that is currently in the SxS.  These questions will be
> targeted for a very new user of any Linux distro.
> Granted instead of a SxS, I would like to see it integrated into the
> KHelpcenter where it would do the most good.  If anyone wants to take my
> idea and start coding the project, feel free.  I'm sure that the same could
> be done for Gnome and others.
> Jim
> On Wednesday September 05, 2001  7:49 am, Bruce Marshall wrote:
> <snip>
> > Well, submit them anyway....   I made up a list of 26 questions last
> > night and probably half of them do not deal with any WM....
> >
> > 1) How do I get a file off a floppy disk?  (must talk about unmounting as
> > well)
> > 2) How do I save a file to a floppy?  (It's not the A: drive anymore)
> > 3) What do I do if my machine seems to be stuck?
> > 4) How to I shut off my machine?  (from the logoff point)
> > 5) How do I send email?  (assumes Kmail is all set to go)
> > 6) How do I adjust the sound volume  (somewhat distro dependant)
> > 7) How do I use a CD?
> > 8) How to I write a letter?  (very basic StarOffice or Koffice)
> > 9) How do I print a file?
> > 10) What is a virtual desktop?
> > 11)  What is a virtual console?   A 'window' console?
> > 12)  How do I start up my machine?
> > 13)  How do I connect to the Internet?  (many ways)
> > 14)  How do I enter a console command?
> > 15)  What is 'root'  and how do I get there?
> > 16) What is an IP address and how do I find mine?
> > 17) How do I find out if a program is running?  
> > 18) How do I kill a program?
> > 19) How do I tell how full my HD is?
> > 20)  Where are the games?
> > 21)  How do I move a window to another virtual desktop?
> > 22) How do I close a window?    
> > 23) How do I add an icon to my desktop?  The task tray?
> > 24)  How do I switch between virtual desktops?
> > 25) What are shortcuts for moving between windows?
> > 26) What browsers are available?
> > 27) How do I customize my desktop?
> >
> >
> > Some of the above sound like I'm going more technical than I said I was
> > going to go  but the information (like root commands and IP address) may
> > be necessary for someone else to provide help and maintenance.  At least
> > that's the case for me where I am  480 miles from the person I am trying
> > to assist.
> >
> > Therefore, any questions that provide methods for users to glean
> > information for someone else would be ok.  (such as use of top to find a
> > runaway program)

Good questions and comments....    Although I'm planning on it being somewhat 
KDE specific (for GUI stuff)  I think the best thing to come out of this will 
be the list of questions.    Then, hopefully,  someone could take those 
questions and with changing about 25% or less of the document, come up with 
something for Gnome or any other WM.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         09/05/01 12:17  +
"I hit the CTRL key but I'm still not in control"
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