I am a bit hesitant to post this, but I know others probably feel the way I 
do, so...

attached is a quick and simple script that in theory (if one would use it for 
this purpose, which I'm not advocating) find everyone that has hammered your 
Apache site all day, and would connect to their infected IIS server and shut 
the server off.

I offer it as a proof-of-concept and/or an intellectual exercise. Don't blame 
me when the cops bust down your door...
Douglas J. Hunley ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - Linux User #174778 
Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net/        Admin: http://linux.nf/ 
Brainbench Linux Administration Certified

~~ Now offering Linux admin services for the home user ~~

"Whip me.  Beat me.  Make me maintain AIX."


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