"hmmmmmm very interesting.." says the wise man..

I concur, (gettin help on the howto of it hehe), that this is enough, I too 
would have been hesitant about it(posting) and willr eamin hesitant about the 
porkers knockin at my door    

Have a good day gents

On Tuesday 18 September 2001 20:21, you wrote:
> I am a bit hesitant to post this, but I know others probably feel the way I
> do, so...
> attached is a quick and simple script that in theory (if one would use it
> for this purpose, which I'm not advocating) find everyone that has hammered
> your Apache site all day, and would connect to their infected IIS server
> and shut the server off.
> I offer it as a proof-of-concept and/or an intellectual exercise. Don't
> blame me when the cops bust down your door...

Content-Type: application/x-shellscript; charset="iso-8859-1"; 
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

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