On Tuesday 18 September 2001 20:01, Warren Rasmussen wrote:

| I'm just back from spending Saturday as a part of the volunteer
| effort in NYC so I've been lurking and enjoying this thread. It
| was an incredible experience. I'm a New Yorker by birth so when
| they attack your home you have to go.

thank you. there have been many heroes in this, and you are among 

| As far as Ruger is concerned, I worked on a project some time
| ago now involving the Ruger M77 hunting rifle. They made
| approximately 1,100,000 of them. Only problem was they could go
| off just leaning up against the wall. On the advice of their
| lawyers they mounted a retrofit campaign with adds in all the
| outdoor and hunting mags asking owners of those guns to fill out
| a little coupon with the serial numbers of the guns they had and
| they would be sent free a "kit" ( which consisted of a small
| allen wrench and a set screw ). After about 100,000 kits had
| been sent out, old man Ruger decided to pull the plug since he
| felt it was bad publicity and might hurt sales. That left
| approx. 1 million rifles unfixed.

ruger has done some dandy stuff over the years, but my sense is that 
they're pretty flaky as a company.


There is sobbing of the strong,
And a pall upon the land;  
But the People in their weeping
Bare the iron hand;
Beware the  
People weeping
When they bare the iron hand.
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