Tim Wunder babbled on about:
> At the bottom of the /opt/kde2/share/config/kdm/kdmrc file is this section:
> [Xdmcp]
> Enable=false
> KeyFile=/etc/X11/kdm/xdm-keys
> Willing=
> Xaccess=/etc/X11/kdm/Xaccess
> I changed the "Enable=false" to "true", restarted X and lo and behold, the
> kdm login screen appeared on my son's PC.
> Should this info be put on the KDE pages? This is KDE 2.2.1 specific. I've
> seen no other documetnation anywhere that mentions that the kdmrc file
> needs to be edited to enable remote logins.
> There's no SxS for Remote X logins, either, but this sure seems to be SxS
> fodder. If the powers that be feel it's worthy of its own page, I'll write
> something up.

send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ! we welcome it
Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: http://linux.nf  Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net

PROGRAM - n. A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn 
        one's input into error messages.  v. tr.- To engage in a 
        pastime similar to banging one's head against a wall, but 
        with fewer opportunities for reward.
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