On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 20:50:08 -0500

> Jerry,
> I finally just gave up and purchased a NetGear FA310TX fast ethernet
> card from Micro Center on sale for $14.99. It uses the tulip driver and
> upon installation, I am now running 100 mbps FD without forcing it to.
> Something funky about these rtl8139 cards and this particular box, no
> trouble with any 7.2 boxen.

You feel like sending me the card? I'll see if I can get it to run, then send
it back with appropriate instructions.

Over here, we bought just about every UNWANTED Linksys lne100tx nic's we
could find at dirt cheap prices... Everybody hated the things and once it was
known that we wanted them... they popped out of everywhere. I even got a
bunch for nothing... All that was needed was the correct driver. Linksys
distributed the early nic's with a linux driver that didn't work. 

Needless to say, they work quite well.


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