On Wednesday 12 December 2001 01:12, you wrote:
> Declan
>    That was part of what I wanted. If I had th mobo pinout
> for comport & ps2 connect (PI 133 mHz) AT mobo. I have gotten com 2 to see
> the mouse in Caldera 2.3, but X doesnot see it in (3.1.1 EW).

Just delete that filename from the link and you get the index page

> I have a S3 Virge 4 meg card and X is having a
> failed  to setup  write combining range  0xe00000000 to 0x400000000 &
> APM failed.

I'm running a S3 Trio 8MB, but have used a S3 Virge 4MB myself in x 3.splash. 
Can't help you here. It sounds like a ram problem, or less ram on the card 
than you think, and it's trying to grab some outside. You  hardly need 4 megs 
for 32 bit colour at 640x480. (Gets calculator out and mystifies himself - 
retires in defeat, changing the subject). You can find out what's going on 
with this line

# startx >xerrors 2>&1
# less xerrors

That'll give you a blow by blow 
> Monitor is a emerson vga: 640x480 ( mode to use)
> Scanning Freq:
>    Horizontal  31.5Khz
>    Vertical    60/70Hz
> Scanning Status
>    Mode 1  .... 720 Dots x 350 Lines
>    Mode 2  .... 720 Dots x 400 Lines
>    Mode 3  .... 640 Dots x 480 Lines
> Signal Input RGB/Analog Separate
> Dot pitch  0.41mm

That monitor is CRAP! You're going to waste time worth the price of a new one 
tweaking things to live with that.

|> X do give me something but no use of mouse & nothing to click on if the 
 > mouse did work. Can get xdm to display a set of buttons, no mouse so 
> nothing happens.
> mouse set at protocal Microsoft device "/dev/mouse   ->/dev/ttyS1 , this 
> works with Calera 2.3. I do not however have the xf86config.
If you need a XF86Config file, we'll get you one. Which version of X? I'm on 
the old stuff still (3.3.6 or something)

Have you working ports? Is it the pinouts of the sockets on the mo/bo you're 
stuck for?  There's a fairly standard ATX Form Factor plug for the back end, 
and apart from that, try the m/b manufacturer. You can them this from the FCC 
ID number. Every part let into the US has one, and you can look them up: 
(Don't ask me how or where)
> elinit 5 returns X config error and returns to rl 3.
> any Ideas,  I can use text mode, but would like to use the kde consol.

My approach would be to get some port singing, stick a mouse on that. Beware 
that sometimes you're expected to have gpm running, and sometimes (Like on 
this Mandrake system) there's a mouse server in X which doesn't require Gpm.


        Declan Moriarty

Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius

        A Slightly Serious(TM) Company

Success covers a multitude of blunders - G.B. Shaw.
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