Douglas J. Hunley wrote:
% Forwarded from a newsgroup, but I'd like to know what you all think.. I've 
% copied the author. Please continue to copy on replies...
% ,--------------- Forwarded message (begin)


%  RH basically sets itself up, which is good.  But having described what
%  I want to do I'd like to solicit feedback on which variety of Linux I
%  should try, and maybe specific "projects" that I could work on to get
%  a good, well-rounded view of Linux.  I could use either an old laptop,
%  or P-133 in the corner from work.  Thanks in advance for any ideas.

My 2 shekels, worth whatcha paid for it...

You might consider learning the standard sorts of admin tasks you
have to perform on any OS, in no particular order:

 1) Adding, deleting, modifying users
 2) Adding, deleting, modifying disks and filesystems
 3) Backing up and restoring files and filesystems using tar, cpio,
    and the dump/restore tool
 4) Setting up a dial-up server
 5) Setting up a mail server (Sendmail, Postfix, or Qmail)
 6) Setting up a Web server (Apache), including setting up virtual
 7) Network configuration needs (configuring DNS, setting up DHCP, 
    adding clients)
 8) Firewall configuration using IPTables
 9) Access restrictions using TCP Wrappers (/etc/hosts.allow and
10) Adding, removing, upgrading software using RPM and from source
11) Set up an FTP server that supports anonymous downloads, guest
    users, real users, and that allows blind uploads
12) Set up a Samba file server for Windows users
13) Set up a database server (using MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle)
14) Set up an IRC or other chat server

This is hardly a comprehensive list, but it should give you projects
to take on for the next couple of months if you are new to Linux.

"His super power is to turn into a scotch terrier."
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