On Thu, 27 Dec 2001 23:44:52 +1130
Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled in frustration:

> On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 07:30, Michael Scottaline wrote:
> >     Do you
> > happen to know what is used in their schools (or gymnasiums). 
> No. I didn't look at this area. I'd only be guessing if I said anything.
> However, Europeans are xenophobic about Microsoft, particularly the
> French. One of the reasons for SuSE's popularity there, perphaps THE
> reason for it's popularity, is it is seen as non-American (versus
> Redhat). BTW there's a world of difference being protective or
> supportive of non-american product, versus being anti-american. The
> latter is not the case.
Agreed!  I've never found even the French (notoroius *false* reputation as
Anti-American) at all "Anti".  In fact, I felt quite comfortable even in
Paris.  I have to admit, I felt like an actual "honored guest", as an
American, in UK and the Netherlands, though. ;o) Mike
PS:  Hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful holiday season!!

"Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life."
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