At 09:03 PM 1/21/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>On Monday 21 January 2002  7 19:24 pm, Ken Moffat dropped these nuggets of
> > Hopefully they'll come around
> > when they get tired of Win95 on the old P233 ;-)
>Lucky you, that's what I'm running as my main box still.  Someday I'll get a
>new box, I'm just waiting for processor speed to level off.  ;-)
>Heck by then the I64 stuff will be mainsteam and their speed will be 
>racing ahead towards new max highs:)

I set up my wife's computer as a dual boot machine (COL 1.3 ->2.4 and 
win98) Then one day she asked me to take that horrible crap off of her 
computer. My first thought was "darn she hates linux" but I was wrong. She 
wanted win98 removed from her computer,  She has since downloaded every 
plugin for gimp that she can find (now that she has 8Gig to play with) and 
uses her computer to actively search for info about her adoption.  Recently 
her effort has brought her in touch with her brother Greg who was also 
adopted at birth, one down, two to go.
She can do everything she needs (word processing, household accounting  and 
play games) using Linux.

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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