On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 10:40:35AM -0500, Bruce Marshall wrote:
>What version of Opera?  It fails on my  5.0.   I did get it to work under  
>Win/Netscape/4.7  but it fails on Win/Netscape/6.2  with "Not init'd"

I got it to work here with Netscape Communicator 4.75 (Caldera
eDesktop 2.4).  It didn't work on Mozilla 0.94, and when I went
to view source, it said the browser didn't have java enabled
although there was an open window where it appeared to be
attempting to load applets.

>Under Opera 5.0 it says  "not init'd"
>Under Win/Opera/6.0  it says "invalid bytecode"

Linux Opera 6.0 came up with a blank screen, but I don't think
I've got java configured properly for it.

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
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URL: http://www.celestial.com/

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