On 22 Jan 2002, at 10:49, Bruce Marshall boldly uttered: 

> On Tuesday 22 January 2002 10:44 am, Lee wrote:
> > Bruce Marshall wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 22 January 2002 9:54 am, Lee wrote:
> > > > Just tried it. It works o.k.. I'm using Mandrake 8.0 with Netscape
> > > > 4.77.
> > > >
> > > > Lee
> > >
> > > Sure you got the Java version?   (there's also a non-Java version of the
> > > catalog)
> >
> > Yeah. JavaWeb. Had to enable Java Script on my browser, normally run
> > with it shutdown.
> Looks like 4.77 is a keeper.   Anything newer make it fail.

Netscape 4.x has its own Java JVM, and you rarely see problems 
executing various Java apps on the web with it.  MS also has their 
own JVM (Microsoft Virtual Machine), and even though it isn't updated 
much any more (and doesn't ship with XP) it generally works, because 
it's so common.

On the other hand - Opera, Mozilla, and Netscape 6 do not ship with 
their own JVM, they use the Java Plugin and JRE (Java Runtime 
Environment) from Sun.  It has been my experience that many applets 
don't run in this environment, because AFAIK you have to code 
specifically for it, there are a number of differences between the 
Sun Plugin and the older dedicated JVMs which were more common in the 


Philip J. Koenig                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electric Kahuna Systems -- Computers & Communications for the New Millenium

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