
What about VMware Tools and VGA? I understand there is no problem with
the AMDnet virtual NIC card. Did you do an upgrade with .Net or the full\


Keith B.

"Tyler Regas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>In answer to your questions, no. I use VMware extensively in both Windows
>and Linux, but shy very far away from XP. It may hurt my career as an
>author, but I don't care. It sucks bad. If the install validates against
>MSes Piracy Control servers, you should have no problem updating anything.
>I've even run .NET Enterprise Server in VMware and used Windows Update.
>And that leads me to a rather humerous idea. If everyone used VMware to
>install XP then you'd have countless installations whose hardware ID would
>be identical, thereby effectively crushing MSes attempt at quashing "casual
>How ironic :)
>> Hello List(s),
>> I know that VMware DOES NOT support using raw devices under Windows XP,
>> but has any done this?  Also, has anyone been able to use the XP upgrade
>> under VMware?  I am using VMware 3.0 with Win98SE and got a copy
>> of XP Home
>> Edition Upgrade which I booted into Windows and upgraded winME. That runs
>> better now, but I still prefer Linux. I have not activated XP yet as I am
>> debating on using it under VMware, but if I could use it from it's own
>> partition BEFORE I activate and whithout any oopses or gotcha's
>> that would be better.
>> Anyone?
>> Best Regards,
>> Keith B
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