Rick Sivernell wrote:
> How do you build a *.tar to rpm
> the xfce rpm wants a xscreensaver as dep. I have dled it & still the rpm
> complains. So I will try to make rpm od xscreensaver.
> [root@RSivernell xfce]# rpm -Uvh
> /usr/src/OpenLinux/RPMS/i386/xfce-3.8.14c-1.i386.rpm error: failed dependencies:
>         xscreensaver is needed by xfce-3.8.14c-1
> [root@RSivernell xfce]#
> used the following
> [root@RSivernell xfce]# rpm --tarbuild xscreensaver-4.00.tar
> rpm: --tarbuild (-t) requires one of a,b,i,c,p,l as its sole argument
> rpm will install with --nodeps
> does xscreen server need xml gle glut to be used 
> cheers

Hi Rick,
XFCE is part of the supplimental CD that shipped with OL3.1 and can be 
downloaded from ftp://ftp.iso.caldera.com/pub/skunkware/. It's what I 
used to install Gnome 1.4, XFCE and a bunch of other stuff. Of course, I 
don't know if you're willing to do a 650MB download to get an XFCE that 
will most assuredly work with Caldera (at least 3.1...).

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