On 01/31/2002 09:22 PM, Keith Antoine wrote:

> On Tuesday 29 January 2002 09:15 pm, Ted Ozolins warbled:
>>I had SuSe 7.3 on this machine for a few days (FTP install) and had one
>>hell of a time getting my printer to work (Canon 4200) and could not set up
>>samba printing no how. I then tried Mandrake 8.1 and got both local and
>>samba printing set up and working.  I'm not too impressed with Mandrake but
>>thats more because of personal taste rather than technical. I better hurry
>>up and settle on a distro soon as I have a neet to set up a data base for
>>cross refferencing partnumbers. Dang! just too many choices.
> Yes, I have gone to Mandrake too, just too many hassles with Suse.

Hi all,

Interesting and timely info ;-)

I have been using Caldera since CND1 circa 1995, and have been pretty happy 
with the quality of their distrobution, and their innovation, until the big 
"Linux for Business" push of a couple of years ago. It seems that they have 
no clear direction, and are continually looking for some elusive goal of 
making the big bucks off "business", who appear to be persuaded more by 
restrictive license clauses and high prices, than the actual 
what-you-get-for-your-money product. Kinda sad actually.

At this point, I am considering switching distros, and am considering both 
SuSE and Mandrake (I still can't bring myself to use RedHat...yet) and 
possibly others. I need to  consider both workstation and server 
application for both home and business use, although there probably isn't 
one distro which is equally adept for all applications, I'm interested to 
hear anyone's opinions on the options.

My main criteria are:

- stability/security

- A distro with some continuity/upgradability/sense of direction. 
Wipe-clean/install-new gets to be a PITA very quickly, particularly with 
multiple installations in different locations, location-specific 
configurations, etc...

- reasonable price without unreasonable license restrictions. I don't 
necessarily mind paying for specific commercial apps, but If I want 
per-seat licensing, I can use Windoze and make management reasonably happy.

- Not bleeding edge, but reasonably current

- other criteria which I haven't thought of yet ;-)

Any comments welcome.


John V.
   _/- John Voigt - K9GBO -----|- Registered Linux User #38558 --_/
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