On Thursday 07 February 2002 01:35 am, Federico Voges warbled:
> Keith,
> Short answer:
> man scp

Read that as I said but you need to be psychic to understand what its saying 
as with most man pages.

> Not-so-short answer:
> You don't need to ssh first.
> File xfer (remote to local)
> scp user@host:/path/source_file /local/path/[new_filename]

Can you use a 'directory name' for remote and use -r ?

> File xfer (localto remote)
> scp /local/path/source_file user@host:/path/[new_filename]
> You can use the -r switch to do a recursive xfer.

Thanks I'll try these out 

> I you don't have your public key on the remote site, you'll be asked
> for the password.

Yes my keys are on the remote site.

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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