I think a key piece of info that is missing here is whether he has
simply forgetten the password(s), or if something occured to render
authentication broken.

Tinkering with /etc/shadow may not be the best idea, especially if this
is simply a matter of a forgetten password, where booting into single
user mode would be the ideal fix.

--- Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could try editing your password files.
> Look at /etc/shadow.
> For example:
> andrew:s52TAIl4IT.:11314:0:-1:7:-1:-1:134535852
> aph5::11476:0:-1:7:-1:-1:134535844          
> user aph5 has no password and you can log on with just the user name.
> Joel
> On Sat, Feb 09, 2002 at 12:32:44PM -0600, daddy wrote:
> > I'm running eD2.4 with kernel 2.2.14.  KDE2.2.1 on an AMD k2-300. 
> When I try
> > to log on as any user I get the password incorrect - login failed
> message. 
> > Even as root.  I am currently logged onto another distrib (OL2.3)
> ona
> > different partition.  How can I reset the passwords?  Any help would
> be greatly
> > appreciated.

Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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