Oh boy. It sounds like they are going for nifty features in place of
what most users really want, no hassles and standardization. It is to be
hoped that they will supply a patch for 5.x that  will allow opening and
saving of documents in the new format. After all, 5.x is very nice, and
maybe a lot of users feel no great need to upgrade. 


> >StarOffice 6 beta is supposed to do Office 2000/xp. That and loosing
> >its desktop are the main new features, as far as I can see.
> ===============================
> And a whole new file system/structure.  While the file systems/extensions
> of the entire 5.x series were compatible with each other  (you could open
> a 5.2 .sdw file in 5.o w/o problem.  6.0's .sxw files can not be opened by
> the 5.x series (though 6.0 c CAN save in that format.  The new filesystem
> appears to be quite compressed.  Files that used to take up 88k now take
> up about 9k. Mike
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