I think you are right.. A monthly meeting in a "some hall" is hard to justify...


Some skills, such as coming up with command lines to do nice things, are learnt by osmosis. not all of us are fortunate to work in linux programming places where such things are common.

while true; do ps -eLF | grep process | grep -v grep ; sleep 1; clear ; done

find . -type f -exec grep some_string {} 2>/dev/null \;

For those who struggle along doing linux as an evening activity, some encouragement is in order.

Thus, I kinda like the idea of a pub meet. Evenings. For me, not Wednesday or Sunday.....


On 09/05/15 17:19, Nick Rout wrote:

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Bevan < <>> wrote:

    Hi Guys

    I have a suggestion I use digital ocean for any web hosting or to
    play with any virtual web servers. I willing to cough up the $5
     a month for a server and set it up as a web server for this linux
    users group in Christchurch if some was willing to help me with
    content. We could use either static pages or use a cms like cmsms,
    I am planning to change my domain name and i could call it
    linuxuserschristchurch or christhurchlinuxusergroup. Currently my
    domain name is <> but
    i was thinking of seeing if
    <> was available (kiwilinux is what call my
    self on the linuxactionshow reddit page and irc chat rooms.
    Therefore the linuxuserschristchurch could be call

    What do you all think?

I am not trying to pour cold water on the idea of meetings or of a web site. However both have been done for years and were very successful. However the meetings died a death of disinterest (although see 4 below). and the website did the same. There are a number of factors including:

1. There is very little use putting up a wiki which describes the same problems that are solved all over the web already. Pretty much every problem I come across these days are solved by google. There is nothing unique about linux in Christchurch that needs a website, other than meeting news - which is covered on the list.

2. Linux has pretty much reached mainstream and is very easy to install and use compared to a few years ago. Same reason we don't have installfests any more.

3. The cost of meetings is high. By the time you pay for a room, some refreshments (tea, coffee, bickies, milk) you had to get a reasonably critical mass to each meeting to break even. There just weren't numbers. Some meetings towards the end only had 10 people (if that). Many attendees weren't particularly well off.

4. Anyway there is presently a monthly meeting organised by Rik at the Beckenham library. It has free use of computers and although I haven't been, I hear good reports. No need to double up or reinvent the wheel.

5. I am all for purely social meetings, pub, chat etc. I have met a lot of nice people through the linux scene, but don't feel the need for technical meetings any longer. I feel the need for real ale.

Of course these are my views, if you want to have meetings go for it. Best of luck. Cheers, N.

    On 8 May 2015 at 13:43, Nick Rout <
    <>> wrote:

        Every pub/bar you go to these days seems to have free wifi, so I
        suggest we think more about where the good beer is!

        Pomeroys has great beer, pretty sure they have wifi and Dave
        Lane and
        his crew have offices upstairs - at least I assume they still
        do - so
        there may already be some core group.

        On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 12:03 PM, Andrew Sands
        < <>> wrote:
        > Which brings me to suggest having another "CLUG at a pub".
        What's a
        > transport friendly bar, which won't object to punters with a
        laptop or two?
        > And possibly has WiFi. I myself can't do week nights due to
        work commitments
        > but open to suggestions?
        > I think I covered enough to be on topic; list,
        communication, linux and
        > laptops!
        > Comments?
        > Andrew
        > On 07/05/15 07:09, yuri wrote:
        > No-one has organised meetings for 4-5 years. There may have
        been the
        > occasional beer at a pub.
        > On Wednesday, 6 May 2015, Bevan <
        <>> wrote:
        >> hi is there any Clug meetings now
        >> Regards
        >> Bevan
        >> --
        >> Sent from Gmail Mobile
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